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Excited to meet our old and new friends at SIME 2024--Societa Italiana di Medicina Estetica!

Views: 62     Author: BVLASER     Publish Time: 2024-05-14      Origin: Bestview Laser

Excited to meet our old and new friends at SIME 2024--Societa Italiana di Medicina Estetica!

Thanks to SIME we acquire new clients, business partners, and the opportunity to present innovative products, unique design, and BVLASER senior expert team.

BVLASER is honored to share our new designs at SIME and explore cooperation opportunities in the European market.

Creating beauty, radiating beauty and retaining beauty is our mission. Let's shape the future of aesthetics together!






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BLDG 5, 2-1, Liandong U Valley Kechuangyuan1, Hengyi Road, Economic, 210038, Nanjing City, China
Tel: 0086 19503817280
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